How to cancel railway train ticket online in Bangladesh

Want to cancel railway train ticket? Let’s know how to cancel train ticket online and online train ticket return policy in detail.


how to cancel train ticket online Bangladesh

We almost buy the train ticket in advance before boarding the train. But many times it is seen that for some reason our trip is canceled. In that case, we may want to cancel and refund the train ticket.

Fortunately, you can cancel or return your train ticket online from the E-Ticketing website or Railway App. Here, I’ll write about how to return a train ticket in Bangladesh. Let’s know more in detail.


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How to return online train ticket bd

To refund or return train tickets online,

How to return online train ticket bd

The tickets purchased online must be returned online. You can not refund the tickets from the counter. To return a train ticket purchased over the counter you must return the ticket at the station counter a certain time before the journey.

In case of a ticket refund, time-varying charges will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded.


You can refund your purchased train tickets up to 6 hours in advance. You will not get a full refund in case of a ticket refund. The remaining amount will be refunded to you after deducting charges at various rates based on the remaining time of departure of the train.

After deducting the charges, the remaining amount will be refunded through the payment gateway within a maximum of 8 working days.

However, that if your online ticket is printed from the counter before the date of departure, it cannot be refunded through the online refund system. In that case, it can be refunded only from the station counter.

Train ticket return policy Bangladesh

At present, you can return online or offline e-tickets to the station counter only. There is a ticket return policy. In Bangladesh, the process for returning e-tickets or online tickets has changed a bit.


If the ticket was returned 5 days before the previous trip, the total price of the ticket could be refunded. But this time has now been changed to 2 days or 48 hours and a minimum of 6 hours.

Ticket Cancellation Charge

However, a service charge will be deducted for a refund in these cases.

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