The Policy Governance Framework provides the structure for the management, development and review of University policies, procedures and guidelines.
The following documents constitute the Framework:
The Policy Governance Framework supports the University's governance arrangements, objectives and principles for policy development and review to ensure high quality, consistent policy documents that reflect and embed our values, comply with legal requirements, support quality assurance, reduce risk and which are readily accessible and understood by the University community.
All approved University policy documents are published in the Griffith University Policy Library.
All resources for policy document development, review and approval can be found on the Policy Library Homepage.
Our policy documents, which includes our policies, delegations, procedural documents and local protocols, are organised within a policy hierarchy. Documents lower in the hierarchy are subordinate to, and must align with, those higher in the hierarchy.
protocols sitting lowest in the chart, followed by procedural documents, then policies and delegations, and finally legislation at the top of the chart" width="800" height="534" />
The Griffith University Act 1998 [the Act] establishes the University, the University Council and sets out its core functions. All University policies and procedures complement the Act. Other government legislation may also guide the development of policy.
Our policies are high-level documents that state the key principles that apply to and direct the University's governance and decision-making and the conduct of its operations or activities. Policies also assign roles, responsibilities and delegations.
The University's Delegation Register is part of the University's Delegations Framework, together with the Delegations Policy and Delegations Procedure and sets out the powers reserved to Council, delegations made by Council, and the delegations and sub-delegations formally assigned by the Vice Chancellor to University officers.
Our procedures set out the necessary processes, practices and actions to give effect to a policy, and must be followed unless there is a justifiable operational reason not to.
Our guidelines provide advisory and explanatory statements with detail, context or recommendations for good practice, and where relevant support policies, and must be followed unless there is a justifiable reason not to.
Our local protocols are the operational-level procedures or practices that apply within a particular Academic Group or Division and must be consistent with all policy documents above them in the policy document hierarchy.
Our frameworks provide the structure for management and operational activities that brings together policy documents.
Our policy documents include policies, standards, procedures and guidelines.
Our Standards are statements of mandatory, prescribed requirements as to the qualities of a product, service, system, infrastructure, or other resource that underpin a policy. Standards are below policies but have a higher standing than procedures. They must be reference in a policy to be binding.
Our registers and schedules are official lists or records associated with a policy or procedure.