Multi-level Marketing or MLM has grown tremendously in the last few years and several MLM companies have popped up as a result. Health and wellness is a huge area and while there is a wide range of products, the general focus remains constant, i.e. promoting health. The ever-growing demand for health products has made the health and wellness segment quite popular with people constantly looking for products to look and feel better.
In this article, we have compiled a list of the top MLM health and wellness companies for you that promise health and wellness along with the opportunity to earn money.
Zinzino was founded by norwegian Ørjan Sæle in 2005 and in just 15 years, the company has grown from a small start-up in Norway to a stock listed company with a global presence in 34 countries. The company is a manufacturer and distributor of nutritional supplements, coffee and coffee machines. Today, Zinzino is among the largest direct selling companies in the Nordic region.
• Nutrition products
• Weight control
• Immune supplements
• Skin care
• Coffee beans
• Coffee machines
The compensation plan of Zinzino is one of the most competitive reward plans in the whole direct selling industry. The partners of Zinzino are able to generate compensation in multiple different ways. You will earn 10% from your first customer sale and as you climb in the number of personal customers, your commissions on your own sales can increase up to an incredible 30%.
Founded in 1959 by Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel, Amway, an abbreviation for “American Way” was started in Ada, Michigan. The business model of Amway was based on the “power of relationships” and the first product that was introduced following this model was L.O.C. (Liquid Organic Cleaner), an environmentally friendly and bio-degradable cleaning concentrate.
Today, Amway is a global leader in health, beauty and home products. Amway is a member of the DSA (Direct Selling Association) and has an A+ rating with the BBB (Better Business Bureau). Amway has been in the business for over 50 years, operates in over 100 countries and has over 3 million members across the world.
• Vitamins and supplements
• Weight management products
• Sports nutrition
• Energy drinks
• Skincare
• Cosmetics
• Haircare
• Body Care
• Oral Care
• Home products
Amway sells its products through direct selling agents and you need to register with Amway as an IBO (independent business owner) to start your Amway business and you can start earning via the Amway Compensation Plan. You can earn by selling Amway products and also for sponsoring new members to join Amway as IBOs.
• Retail profit
• Performance bonus (monthly)
• Leadership bonus (monthly and annual)
• Cash and business incentives (on basis of personal and group performance)
To start your Amway business, you need to pay a registration fee of $62 which comes with a 90-day money back guarantee. When you register, you get a start-up kit containing a guide to getting started, brochures, catalogs and award program details. You can then buy the optional Product Starter Kit for $99.99 which contains full-size products and product samples worth $245, sample bags and 10 mini catalogs to help you sell the products.
Juice Plus+ was started almost 50 years ago by Jay Martin, who is also the Chairman of the company. The company began as a small direct sales business and today, it is a multi-million-dollar company in the health and wellness space with a presence in over 20 countries. The global headquarters of Juice Plus+ is in Collierville, Tennessee and the company has its customers and independent reps in Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia.
According to a study in 1996, only 19% of Americans consumed fruits and veggies 5 times a day. The focus of Juice Plus+ products are on whole foods and plant-based nutrition and encourages healthy eating. The products are made from juice oils and powder concentrates of more than 40 different fruits, veggies and grains. There are several studies that show the advantages of Juice Plus+. Juice Plus+ as a company is driven by the core principles of authenticity, longevity, quality, simplicity, community and being approachable.
• Capsules
• Chewables
• Shakes
• Bars
Juice Plus+ offers you the option of earning a part-time income while enabling others to realize a healthy lifestyle. The Virtual Franchise business model of Juice Plus+ lets you develop your own business. This model takes the best concepts from several businesses in order to create a unique business model. You don’t need to make any investment and stock up any inventory, the company directly ships the products to the customers.
• Get trained by the Juice Plus+ support team.
• Submit an application stating that you are interested in becoming a Juice Plus+ Representative along with an application fee of $50.
• Grow your Virtual Franchise with the help of Juice Plus+ sponsor and the support team.
Nikken, Inc. and Nihon Kenko Zoushin Kenkyukai, Canada Corp., also known as Nikken was founded in 1975 with the objective of providing innovative health products that can help people “discover” wellness and also give them an opportunity to make an income. The company is based on “The 5 Pillars of Health – Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Family, Healthy Society and Healthy Finances”. Today, Nikken is present in 15 countries and has millions of members worldwide.
• Nutrition
• Personal care
• Rest and relaxation
• Water
Nikken products are available through Independent Nikken Consultants who offer product expertise, wellness information and their personalized service. As an Independent Nikken Consultant, you can build a successful business. Nikken’s business and networking marketing model enables you to set up your own business at a fraction of the cost compared to setting up a regular business. Nikken offers you complete support to buy and sell the unique products of Nikken.
• Retailing Nikken products to potential customers.
• Introducing new Consultants to the business.
• Building your team, thereby enabling you to earn commissions on your sales, as well as the sale of your Consultants.
• Using the “ABC Method” to introduced new people – An experienced Consultant (A) along with you (a B Consultant) offers the Nikken products and/or an income opportunity to the customer or to the prospective consultant (C).
• Getting support and training.
• Using social media to post about the products and promos.
• Teaching your Consultants who you enroll to build the business.
Started in 1978 by Rex Maughan, Forever Living Products is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. With a commitment to purity and quality, for over 40 years, the company has forged its presence in the health and beauty industry.
The company is the biggest producer, manufacturer and distributor of aloe vera-based products and today, apart from aloe vera, Forever Living, which is a multi-billion-dollar company has over 100 beauty and wellness products in its product portfolio. The company has Forever Business Owners in over 160 countries and is a member of the DSA.
• Bee products
• Aloe vera products
• Drinks
• Essential oils
• Accessories
• Nutrition
• Personal care
• Skincare
• Weight management products
You can make a living by selling the products of Forever Living and to do this you need to first sign up as a Forever Business Owner (FBO). The company has a points system which drives the sales and bonus structure and for each product you sell, you get a certain number of points. To maintain the active seller status, an FBO must sell for a certain amount. Forever Living offers several exciting incentives like global travel, means to buy a new car, means to network, rewards and recognition.
Founded in 1980 by Mark Hughes, Herbalife Nutrition is an MLM company that produces and sells health and nutritional supplements and personal care products. The company is driven by the vision of “making the world healthier and happier.” The company offers premium-quality products that are science backed and are produced in a company-owned manufacturing facility.
Herbalife’s corporate headquarters is located in Los Angeles, California. Today, Herbalife products are available in over 90 countries. Herbalife has over 8,000 employees across the world and around 2.3 million independent distributors. It is a member of DSAs (Direct Selling Associations) around the world.
• Weight management products
• Protein shakes and bars
• Supplements
• Teas
• Specialized nutrition products
• Cosmetics
• Skincare and body care
Herbalife works on the multi-level marketing model and the sales are made through Herbalife Independent Distributors. Herbalife offers a competitive compensation plan and the compensation to the independent distributors is on basis of the product sales. The distributors can earn through both, retail as well as wholesale profits, and also through bonuses and Royalty Overrides.
The independent distributors can grow their business from repeat orders and growing their client base. Herbalife offers online sales and marketing tools, training events and other support programs that will help you grow your business.
Arbonne was started by Petter Mørck along with a group of biologists, biochemists and herbalists in 1975 to provide high-quality and effective skincare products. The company based on botanical principles fructified in the US in the year 1980. Today, the products are marketed worldwide by the Arbonne Independent Consultants network. The Arbonne product line has grown and now includes vegan, cruelty-free health and beauty products which are known for their premium quality, value, benefits, safety and results.
• Skincare
• Bath and body
• Nutrition
• Makeup
• Hair
There are 2 ways you can earn with Arbonne.
You can sign up for the Preferred Client Program and get makeup, skincare and wellness products at great discounts.
• Registration Fee: $29 for 1 year
• Free product rewards and free shipping on qualified orders.
• Discount: 20%
• Value Packs: 40%
You can become an Independent Consultant and earn money with a personal website and catalog that can be shared digitally.
• Registration Fee: $49
• Free welcome kit with free shipping when you add 500 QV (Qualifying Volume) worth of products.
• Upgrade Fee: $20 (for preferred clients for a year)
• Renewal Fee: $29
Started in 1967 in Stockholm, Sweden with corporate offices in Switzerland, Oriflame is a leading company in beauty products that markets its products via direct selling. The company was started by the brothers Robert and Jonas af Jochnick along with their partner Bengt Hellsten. Today, Oriflame has a presence in over 60 countries worldwide. Oriflame offers a range of premium-quality beauty and wellness products and offers you a great opportunity to join their sales force, start your own business and make money.
• Color cosmetics
• Skincare
• Fragrances
• Personal and hair care
• Accessories
• Wellness
You can join the company’s sales force as a consultant by either contacting your local Oriflame office or via an existing consultant. In some countries, you can join by registering online. Once you have filled in the application form, you will receive your membership and also a starter kit, which includes presentation material, catalogs and guides that can help you as a consultant.
An experienced consultant will assist and guide you through all the processes and introduce you to Oriflame and its products. As a consultant, you can save money on the products that you buy for your personal use and for your family and friends. You can also invite your friends or family to join you as consultants on your team and you can make money on the group’s sales too.
And, apart from this, the company also offers cash bonuses, incentive programs for reaching targets and opportunities to attend conferences, go on international trips, etc. When you join Oriflame as a consultant, you will receive support in terms of sales material, training programs, catalogs and other management tools to support your business. What’s more Oriflame offers a 100% money-back guarantee on any of the products that you purchase.
Founded by John Anderson, Jim and Kathy Coover in 2002, Isagenix is among the largest direct selling companies of health, nutrition and wellness products that offers a business opportunity that can transform lives! Isagenix has a worldwide presence in 19 countries across 5 continents. It has over 1,000 employees worldwide with 700 in the United States alone. Isagenix has an A+ rating with the BBB and over 600,000 customers across the globe.
• Weight loss products
• Performance products
• Vitality and well-being
• Essential oils
• Personal care and beauty
Isagenix is a direct selling company which markets and sells its products through the Isagenix Associates, who not only buy them and use the products but also make money while at the same time helping to improve the lives of others. When you become an Isagenix Associate, the company rewards you for sharing the products you love and they support you with the required tools, systems and training.
• No-Compromise Guarantee: The Isagenix products are backed by science and research along with being sourced and packed in an eco-friendly manner.
• Mobile shipping with the IsaLife app.
• You get a 30-day satisfaction guarantee on the products with a refund.
• Training.
Started by Forrest Shaklee, a nutritionist and chiropractor in 1956, Shaklee Corporation is a manufacturer and distributor of weight management, nutrition, beauty and household products. Shaklee used multi-level marketing to market the products. Based in Pleasanton, California, the company has its operations in Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia.
The Shaklee products combine the best of nature and science to create products that are good for health and are also environmentally friendly. Shaklee products are safe, proven and guaranteed.
• Weight management products
• Supplements
• Skincare
Partnering with Shaklee can be rewarding and flexible and you can decide when, how and where you want to work. You can decide if you want to use the Shaklee products, become a distributor and share the products with others or build your business along with a team.
When you become a Qualified Shaklee Distributor, you get a welcome kit and a success pack which has everything you require to start your business. And, the benefits of being a Qualified Distributor include:
• Eligibility to participate in the Compensation Plan Bonuses
• Eligibility to earn a Personal Group Volume Bonus (4 to 20%)
• Eligibility to earn Success Bonuses
• FastTrack participation eligibility
• Eligibility to build your business internationally
• Personal website (3 months)
• Digital tools to grow your business
• 30% off on the SRP and Full PV on the Success Packs in the 1st month of joining
• 100% money-back guarantee on all products
Melaleuca was started by Frank VandeSloot in 1985 and in just 30 years, the company has grown from a small start-up in Idaho to a $2 billion conglomerate with a global presence in 19 countries. The company is a manufacturer and distributor of nutrition, personal care, pharma and household cleaning products. Today, Melaleuca is among the largest online and catalog wellness retailers in the country with over a million customers.
• Nutrition products
• Medicine products
• Beauty
• Household
• Bath and body
• Essential oils
Melaleuca works on the referral marketing model and has been providing an additional income to thousands of families. In order to join them, you need to sign up with Melaleuca as a customer, buy a few products and tell others about your experience, which will get others to buy products from you or join your team. This way you can earn money through retail commissions, downline commissions and bonuses.
All the companies that have been discussed in our article have excellent reputations and have been in the market for several years. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to sign up with a company that is trustworthy if you are planning to rely on the company to earn an income.