Oracle Support Contacts Global Directory

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United States

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Renewing Oracle Premier Support

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Getting Support

Renewing Oracle Premier Support

Other Service Inquiries:

Latin America

Online: Go to My Oracle Support to find answers in the Oracle Support Knowledge Base, submit, update or review your Service Requests, engage the My Oracle Support Community, download software updates, and tap into Oracle proactive support tools and best practices. (You must have purchased support, have an active cloud subscription, or have an active cloud trial license to access My Oracle Support).

Renewing Oracle Premier Support

Country Support Hotline Support Renewal Sales
Argentina Acceso directo: 0800.666.0173
Ví­a AT&T Direct: 0800.555.4288 ó 0800-222-1288 conectar a 877.767.2253
+54 1152996000
Belize Ví­a AT&T Direct: 811 conectar a 877.767.2253 +506.2205.5554
Bolivia Ví­a AT&T Direct: 800.10.1110 conectar a 877.767.2253 0800.0178
Brazil Toll Free: 0800.891.5899
Direct Access: +55.11.5189.1001
Fax: +55.11.5189.1101
Direct Access: +55.11.5189.1000
Fax: +55.11.5189.1189
Caribbean Islands
(Except Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana Netherlands, and Aruba)
AT&T Direct® Access Number 877.767.2253 +506.2205.5554
Central America Para numeros telefonicos, por favor refierase al pais de preferencia. +506.296.1530
Chile Acceso Directo: +56.22.830.7810
Acesso Directo Hospitality only: +56 22 830 7626
Acceso Directo: 188.800.800.075
Ví­a AT&T Direct: 800.225.288 ó 800.360.311 conectar a 877.767.2253
Colombia Acceso Directo:01.800.912.1586
Ví­a AT&T Direct: 018009110010 conectar a 877.767.2253
Costa Rica Acceso Directo: 0.800.011.0515
Ví­a AT&T Direct: 0.800.0.114.114 conectar a 877.767.2253
Ecuador Ví­a AT&T Direct: 1999119 conectar a 877.767.2253 +1.800.67.2253
El Salvador Ví­a AT&T Direct: 800.1288 conectar a 877.767.2253 +506.2205.5554
Guatemala Ví­a AT&T Direct: 138126 or 9999190 ó 0800-222-1288 conectar a 877.767.2253 +506.2205.5554
Honduras Ví­a AT&T Direct: 800.0.123 conectar a 877.767.2253 +506.2205.5554
Jamaica Ví­a AT&T Direct: 1.800.872.2881 877.767.2253 +1.809.960.2359
Mexico Acceso Directo: 800 6721052
Acceso Directo: 001.877.767.2253
Ví­a AT&T Direct: 800.288.2872 conectar a 877.767.2253
Nicaragua Ví­a AT&T Direct: 1.800.0174 conectar a 877.767.2253 +506.2205.5554
Panamá Acceso Directo: 001.877.767.2253
Via ATT direct: 800.0109; conectar a 877.767.2253
Paraguay Ví­a AT&T Direct: 008.11.800 conectar a 877.767.2253 +506.2205.5554
Peru Acceso Directo: 0800.50.718
Ví­a AT&T Direct: 080050288 / 080070088 conectar a 877.767.2253
Puerto Rico 877.7.ORACLE +1.787.999.3100
República Dominicana Acceso Directo: 1.877.767.2253
Ví­a AT&T Direct: 1.800.872.2881 conectar a 877.767.2253
+57 1 611 6734
Trinidad Ví­a AT&T Direct: 1.800.872.2881 877.767.2253 1.868.624.4203
Uruguay Ví­a AT&T Direct: 000.410 conectar a 877.767.2253 +
Includes Netherlands Antilles (Curacao, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius and Sint Maarten , Aruba, and Sur Inam)
Aceso Directo: 0800.100.2057
Via ATT direct: 0800.2255.288; conectar a 877.767.2253

Netherlands Antilles:
Via ATT direct: 001.800.872.2881; conectar a 877.767.2253

Instructions for Dialing AT&T Direct® Access Numbers

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Online: Go to My Oracle Support to find answers in the Oracle Support Knowledge Base, submit, update or review your Service Requests, engage the My Oracle Support Community, download software updates, and tap into Oracle proactive support tools and best practices. (You must have purchased support, have an active cloud subscription, or have an active cloud trial license to access My Oracle Support).

Renewing Oracle Premier Support

Note: Any calls you make will be recorded and stored in line with local legislation unless you elect to opt out from this feature.

Home Global Support Center: United Kingdom

Country Support Hotline Support Renewal Sales
Albania +442035742013 74956606464
Armenia 37411619594
Austria +43.1.33777.555 +43.1.33777.065
Bahrain 80004238 27214007248
Belgium +32.2.719.12.12 3227195373
Bosnia and Herzegovina +387. +387.
Bulgaria +359.2.923.8130 +359.2.923.8168
Cameroon +20235350755 27214007248
Central Asia Territory (CAT)
(Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizstan, Georgia, Armenia and Uzbekistan)
+7 727 320 1643 77272442720
Croatia +385.1.632.32.22 +385.1.630.63.36
Cyprus +35722694693 +35722694692
Czech Republic +420.221.438.199 420220437052
Denmark + 4544808470
Egypt 20224802720 20 235 350 789
Estonia +372.628.7777 +372.628.7713
Finland +358. 358954941292
France + 33 146 856 644
Gabon +20235350755 +20235350789
Germany +49.180.2000.170
Charges: From landlines 0.06 EUR per call, from mobile up to 0.42 EUR per minute.
(Learn more)
Greece + +30 210 678 9215
Hungary +36.1.2241800 3618017722
Israel +972.3.9273677 +44.207.1312.982
Italy +39.06.52436.400 39 028 733 5050
Ivory Coast 2 Stage dialing: First 00.111.11 then 800.379.0402 27214007248
Jordan +962.6.5200895 27214007248
Kazakhstan +7 727 320 1643 77272442714
Kenya + 27214007248
Kuwait Local access: +96522203638
Alternate number: +974 444 627 67
Latvia +371.6704.6086 +370.5204.7537
Lebanon +9611963240 20235350789
Lithuania +370. +370.
Luxembourg +352 4911 3345 35227000670
North of Macedonia +442035742013 27214007248
Malta +800.62.474 442071312982
Mauritius Toll Free: +8020440036 27214007248
Moldova +40213678810 40213677047
Mongolia +4008.980.890 37052047537
Morocco +212522977095 27214007248
Netherlands +31.30.6699444 31306699292
Nigeria +20235350755 27214007248
Norway +47.6752.6752 4767526705
Oman +971.4.3909040 27214007248
Poland +48221682416 48221682411
Portugal +351.21.423.52.00 351214237535
Qatar +974 4446 2778 20235350789
Romania +40213678810 40213677047
Russia Oracle has withdrawn all operations in the Russian Federation. For more info go to
Saudi Arabia Toll Free: 800.844.0538 (Saudi Telecom Fixed and Mobile Network)
Toll Free: 800.850.0093 (Bharti Airtel Fixed and Mobile Network)
Local Access: +966.11.273.9977
20 235 350 789
Senegal +20235350755 27214007248
Serbia and Montenegro 381112016830 381112016833
Slovakia +421.2.5728.8600 421257288771
Slovenia 080080874 080080705
South Africa +27.11.319.4010
Spain +34.91.6312174
34 916 267 676
Sweden +46.8.477.3600 0200 810374 - 442071312978
Switzerland +41.61.425.62.00 0800 561449
Tanzania +20235350755 27214007248
Tunisia +202.35350755
Turkey: Istanbul region +90.212.329.68.20 90 212 329 6819
United Arab Emirates +971.4.3909040 97143909332
Abu Dhabi +971.4.3909040
Ukraine +380 444 986 960 380444986942
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland +441189247900 +44.207.1312.982 / 35318031792
Zimbabwe +20235350755 27214007248

Asia Pacific

Online: Go to My Oracle Support to find answers in the Oracle Support Knowledge Base, submit, update or review your Service Requests, engage the My Oracle Support Community, download software updates, and tap into Oracle proactive support tools and best practices. (You must have purchased support, have an active cloud subscription, or have an active cloud trial license to access My Oracle Support).

Renewing Oracle Premier Support

Country Support Hotline Support Renewal Sales
Australia +61.132.370
Bangladesh Using AT&T Direct Access Number 157-0011 (provide access number 800-711-1005)
China 800.810.0366