Benchmark Reports

You can verify hail, lightning, and wind data for assignments with Benchmark. These reports cross-reference the location of a claim and its date of loss with damaging weather conditions. They also provide detailed information about the severity of the conditions. This information is useful when establishing an exact date of loss or disputing fraudulent claims. It speeds up the claim process with fewer inspections and reduces the number of loss adjustment expenses.

The screen shots in this document are generic, and your company’s interface may vary.

Order a report

To order reports for individual assignments, select the appropriate report from the Select an Action drop-down menu in Assignment Detail and click Go.

To order reports for multiple assignments, select the assignments in Advanced Search Results, select a report from the Select an Action drop-down menu, and click Go .

When a report has been ordered for an assignment, its Requested status appears in the assignment's Detail Summary. When the report is returned and available to view, the status changes to Completed.

View a report

When the status of a report is listed as Completed, you can view it as a PDF in the Documents tab in Assignment Detail. When you order a Benchmark Hail report, you will receive both a Hail History report and a Hail Date of Loss (DOL) report. When you order a Benchmark Wind report, you will receive both a Wind History report and a Wind Date of Loss (DOL) report. When you order a Lightning Strike report, you will receive only one report.


Hail DOL Report

The Hail Date of Loss report displays data for any hail occurrences near the claim location on the date of loss, the day before the date of loss, and the day after.

Hail History Report

The Hail History report displays data for any hail occurrences near the claim location on the date of loss. It also displays data for hail events since January 2009 until the date the report was generated.

Wind DOL Report

The Wind Date of Loss report displays data for any wind occurrences near the claim location on the date of loss, the day before the date of loss, and the day after.

Wind History Report

The Wind History report displays data for any wind occurrences near the claim location on the date of loss. It also displays data for significant wind events since January 2009 until the date the report was generated.

Lightning Strike Report

The Lightning Strike report displays data for all lightning strike occurrences within five miles of the claim location on the date of loss, include the date and time of the 20 closest lightning strikes. This report also displays the 20 closest lightning strikes 36 hours before, and 36 hours after, the submitted loss date.

Receive report request notifications

You can receive automatic notifications when users request a Benchmark report through Personal Rules.

To set up these notifications, create a new personal rule. Select the Benchmark Report Requested event in the Assignment Tracking Category.

Manage report usage

You can view details about your company’s Benchmark Report usage in the Benchmark Usage management report. This report displays the number and type of Benchmark reports requested, the claims associated with the reports, the dates the reports were requested, and the user names of the people who requested the reports.